Wednesday 11 October 2017


Things were a bit different today. The students had chapel service, so we only met briefly this morning to talk about our placements from yesterday and plan placements for today.

Here are some students with children in the village of Ineu from yesterday's visit to an orphanage.

This afternoon another group of students went into the prison. As on the other days we started with singing and readings as well as a testimony. The prisoners listened and some of them were mouthing the words to the songs. Memories are recalled and emotions are stirred. Yesterday we had a student shedding tears over what she had seen and heard. Today, in the group time, we had a prisoner break down as he talked about things he would like to change from his life. Students came to his rescue as they handed him an assortment of tissues (all clean!). This came after we'd had the reading of the lost son and the waiting father. Andy had spoken about a change of heart and change of actions and ended with the invitation from a heavenly Father for us to come back home. Once again we had animated chatter as prisoners and students talked together. Some deep things were shared and hearts opened. Please pray that some of these men we have seen over the last three days will join our next mentoring programme that begins early next year. 

This evening, whilst the students went off to the night shelter, Andy and Sorin went to Harul (Grace) Baptist church. A very warm welcome was given and Andy share passionately about the need for us to be clothed in the armour of God - ready to engage in the battle in spitiual realms. 

Afterwards we enjoyed some tasty food and stimulating discussion together. We'll catch up with what happened at the night shelter tomorrow.
Three students with one of the guests at the night shelter. 

Now it is late, so thank you again for your prayers, interest and support. Tomorrow we have the final teaching session with the students, a visit to children in a village, meetings with the local MP and county officials and then an evening service. 

So until next time....


  1. I am full of admiration for the hard work you and the team are doing for God! Already you are making a difference in peoples' lives - sowing seeds for God to grow in hearts that long for love. I really hear God's words - 'well done, good and faithful servant' Andy, please take a pat on the back from our Heavenly Father (and me :)) we're proud of you! Lotsaluv Ronelle x

    1. So grateful to have your prayer support and encouragements. I think it's a massive round of applause to both Sorin and Gabi for all their hard work to get things sorted. Lots of time and commitment involved and not giving up. These weeks are a great encouragement for them as well.

    2. Actually - Sorin and Gabi should get a standing ovation!

  2. Hi Team,

    Thank you for sharing with us and I pray that those tears shed in pain or anger or frustration, our precious Lord turns into future tears of joy. And whilst many of us have enjoyed family in the true sense of mum and dad and siblings together, we are mindful of those much less fortunate, but praise God that he is the Father of the fatherless and thank Him for those who dedicate their lives to fostering and caring for young people who need the stability, care and above all love to set them on a sound path for their future.

    May all your goings in and goings out wherever that may be, be blessed with our Lord's grace and favour, in Jesus' name. Amen

    God bless,

