Monday 9 October 2017


Today has been spent with students from Emanuel University. We started with classroom teaching and after introductions, we discussed our attitudes towards those who have messed up - and then started to consider a Biblical perspective of things - beginning in Genesis. There was some lively discussion, disagreements and discoveries and it was good to be with young people eager to learn.

After the break we were joined by our team worker Dan Roman, who spoke about his time in prison and the impact it had on him and others. It made a significant impression on the students and there were many questions that they had for Dan. Once again we praise the Lord for the example that Dan is of a life transformed by the Holy Spirit. 

In the afternoon, some of the students went off to help distribute food amongst children in a local village. This was linked with the Church of God Chaplaincy Centre. Another group of students visited the prison and, as well as singing, testimonies and readings, the students had time with the prisoners in groups. Andy gave them two things to share with their groups; i) a special memory; ii) something you would like to change from your past. Some very personal things were shared and then Andy spoke of the change that Jesus can make in our lives and told them about the next Path of Life mentoring programme that will be happening next year. Here are the students, outside the prison.

In the evening we joined with more students at a night shelter. Organised chaos comes to mind, but what an opportunity to share more of God's love with those who many have rejected. There were songs, readings, Andy spoke about friendship with God and we had lots of food. After the food, there was more singing - some raucous, but heartfelt. Good to hear rough voices singing praise to the Lord. The guests left for their rooms / beds with more food to help them through the next day - unless it is consumed in the night. 

Tomorrow is more of the same. Please continue to pray for us all.

Until next time.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Team for the updates.

    Testimony can be so powerful as we can see above, and as we read in Acts 10. And may our Lord work through each one of you uniquely, to bring His purpose to life in those you meet. And may the Holt Spirit fill you with all wisdom, 'words of knowledge' and a voice that can penetrate all unbelief & doubt with gentleness & grace, in Jesus' name. Amen.

    God bless,

