Tuesday 10 October 2017


More of the same as yesterday? Not quite. We had our morning classroom session with the students and at the start we gave them the opportunity to share about their placements on the previous day. One student, with tears in her eyes, shared about the impact her time in prison had had on her. Others spoke of the surprise they had that the prisoners were, in many ways, just like us. Challenging and encouraging.

After Andy, with Sorin translating, had developed the Biblical perspective on our failures and God's mercy and grace, Florica Dudas came to speak to the students about the prison's approach to reintegration and how a ministry like Path of Life can help them. Florica used to work in the prison but has now retired but works just as much in the prison as a volunteer. She is an important part of our work and it was really good for the students to hear her and ask her questions.

In the afternoon another group of students visited the prison to have time with some prisoners. After some songs we split into two groups to talk together about things that mattered to us. Many conversations began to develop between students and prisoners. Talk about family, things that had happened in the past, feelings and emotions, all spilled out. Lovely to see prisoners faces light up as someone showed interest in them. One prisoner sat on the edge, not wanting to engage in the session. He did not want to talk and hid under his hood. But gradually, as others chatted away, one of the students kept including him and slowly he began to join in. Before the end he was a different person, smiling and chatting away. As he left, hood down, smile on his face, he reached out to shake hands with Andy. Wonderful to see students reaching out in Jesus' name. 

Then we went to the night shelter again. More songs, more food but tonight, more individual conversations. Great to see students sitting in amongst the homeless and chatting away. 

We have a wonderful group of students and thank the Lord for the opportunities they are taking in these days. Please pray that the Lord will lead and guide them into the areas of ministry he has for them to do.

Until next time.


  1. WOW! What an inspiration these students are. It's really good to hear about young people using their lives for good and showing God's love in such practical ways. Thank you for sharing about another full day Andy.
    God bless you and the team.

  2. Thanks Ronelle. As always, good to hear from you and yes - it is good to be with these young people and see them in action. Thanks for your prayers on our behalf.

  3. Hi Andy
    Enjoying the updates via the Blog and our prayers are with you and the whole of the team. Please pass on my love and regards to those in Oradea.

    A word for you and the team "Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty - Psalm 91 vs 1"
    A great place to be in "resting" in the shadow of God.

    May God continue to bless your work.

  4. Hi Phil. Thanks for your enouragement and greetings. A lot of people remember you and have asked after you. We are at Harul (Grace) Baptist tonight so I will give thm your greetings. See you soon.
