Tuesday 17 October 2017

Tuesday - last day of this trip.

Another busy and profitable day here in Oradea.

We began with a visit to the Voice of the Gospel radio station where Andy shared from the Bible and Sorin gave an update on the work of Path of Life.

Then it was on to meet with Bob, director of the Church of God Chaplaincy centre here in Oradea. We thank the Lord for their willingness to continue to provide us with office space and it has been good to work more closely with them this year as part of our University teaching programme. We discussed future possible collaborations and pray that the Lord will lead and guide us for the coming months.

We then had two extra meetings with individuals, one of which was to talk about another project to put into print the testimonies of Dan and Gabi Roman. This would be such a help to others, both inside and outside prison, so please pray that if this is what the Lord wants us to do, then it will happen.

At 1600hrs another team of mentors / prospective mentors went into the prison and we had nine more prisoners come for a 'taster' session of the Path of Life mentoring programme. There will be another one tomorrow evening and the hope is that some of those who have come to the sessions this week and last week (with the students) will want to be part of our next Path of Life mentoring programme starting in February next year. Please pray for the right people to be on the programme.

We finished the day, and this visit, with a meeting of the Path of Life Core Team. It was good to reflect on the past twelve days as well as to look forward to the future and we were able to offer it all to the Lord for him to take and use for his glory.

A big thank you to so many people, but especially Sorin who works so hard on our behalf. There is a good and capable team of volunteers here that work with him and some are now taking on more responsibility, which is a great help.

As Andy leaves, pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to use and bless his people here as they give themselves week after week to help those who are struggling with addictions and a bad lifestyle. Lives are being changed and we praise the Lord for using our programme to make a difference. Let's keep going forward in his grace and power.

Thank you for your prayer support and until next time.

Monday 16 October 2017


Here is our group of mentors and prospective mentors outside the prison after a 'sample' session. This is part of our training programme for our team and for new workers. Today we had eleven prisoners join us for the session when we enjoyed teaching (including a powerpoint presentation) from Alex (tie and jacket) about achieving 'success' in life by letting the Holy Spirit grow his fruit in us. This was one of the actual sessions in our mentoring programme. We also had time to discuss together in smaller groups. It was good to see the response of the prisoners and the way that Alex engaged with them through his teaching.

Earlier in the day, Andy and Sorin had time together to review the last week, which was very useful, and to plan for developments. We also met up with our lawyer, Tibor, to finalise adjustments to our documentation to include Gabi Roman as part of the 'official' team and to formalise the link between Damascus Trust and Cararea Vietii.

Tomorrow is the last full day of Andy's visit and we have more meetings with individuals as well as an interview with Voice of the Gospel Radio station. In the evening we have a final Core Team meeting, so please pray for that to be blessed and encouraging.

Until next time.

Sunday 15 October 2017


Last night we finished off the day with a meal at Dan & Gabi's home. Sorin and Reli, came too. Pork and duck were on the menu, plus tiramisu - not bad at all! They certainly treat us well. 

Three services today. 

The first was at a Baptist church that we haven't been to before on the edge of the city. We enjoyed a warm welcome and some good songs. Andy spoke again about the widow's oil from 2 Kings 4 as well as about the wider work of Damascus Trust. 

Lunch was with the Kulscar family - grandparents, children and grandchildren, which was good fun. A lovely time.

Then it was off to the second church service at Sanmartin. This is a Baptist church that we have been to several times before and Andy spoke about the wider work of Damascus Trust and from 2 Chronicles 20. Encouraging to have some appreciative comments afterwards. 

Then finally we went to the Gypsy church. There is always a very warm welcome here - smiling faces and outstretched hands. Some of the men from the church are part of our Path of Life mentoring team - including Pastor John. 

Tomorrow we have some meetings with individuals arranged, but wait for confirmation on timings. Please pray that we will have the right time with the right people. Thank you for your prayers.

Until next time.

Saturday 14 October 2017


Today was the second of our four training days for mentors and prospective mentors. Two of these have happened whilst Andy is here and two will happen after he leaves. Money has been given by the local Bihor council to help us with this training, which has been a great encouragement.

Today there were seventeen men who came together, eleven of whom are potential mentors! If they join our programme as mentors, then this will be a great help in developing the work we do with prisoners and ex-offenders. Please pray that they will want to commit to this work.

We had time of praise and worship (good to be with men singing together), as well as time to think through different aspects of our work. Andy highlighted eight things from the meeting between Jesus and the woman of Samaria (Jn 4) which can help us when we spend time with those who struggle with matters of life. We shared food together and had time to pray for the prison, for the next mentoring programme and for increased support (prayer and finance) from local churches. Please join with us in these matters.

Tomorrow we will be visiting three churches where Andy will be preaching and we will be sharing about the work of Path of Life.

Until next time.

Friday 13 October 2017


A busy but glorious day.

Up early to walk into the city to meet up with Sorin outside the prison at 0815. Gabriel Tica (Head of Education and Social departments) was inside to meet us and take us up to meet the new prison director. We'd prayed that the Lord would let the director look with favour upon our work in the prison and as soon as we stepped into his office, it seemed that our prayers had been answered. He welcomed us warmly and wanted us to know that our work is appreciated and valued. He spoke with us about developing the work and was pleased to hear that our visits this past week had been so good for both students and prisoners. 

Before we left his office, Andy asked if he could pray for him, his staff and the prisoners. The answer was a definate yes and afterwards the director said to Gabriel that they would now enjoy a good day as we had prayed God's blessing upon them!

From the prison we went down the road to the Bihor County council offices to meet with the vice-president, Bodea Traian. He welcomed us and assured us of his support and encouraged us to apply for further funding for next year. How blessed we are to have such key people rooting for us. We thank the Lord for them. 

From the council we went to meet with our friend and consultant, Imre Kulscar. He has been a constant source of challenge and encouragement, so it was good to have an hour (and a caramel coffee) with him.

Then, just before lunch we caught up with Adina Micula, from Emanuel University, to discuss our course that we ran with the students. Again, useful time to consider changes for next year and we pray that the Lord wil continue to use our course for his glory.

This evening we had two youth meetings. Speaking first at one and then a quick dash across the city to speak at the other (so rushed that we forgot to take pictures - sorry). Andy spoke on the text for this trip - 'The battle is not yours, but God's' (2 Chron 20:15) and linked it with Ephesians 6. Extra special to have all the young people acting out getting dressed in their armour! Please pray that what they heard will stay with them and that they will get dressed each morning - twice.

Tomorrow we will be having time with our mentors and prospective mentors. Please pray for a good time of preparation, encouragement and learning together.

Until next time.

Thursday 12 October 2017


This was the final day of teaching at the University and whilst we were pushed for time we did enjoy having Gabi Roman (Dan's wife) come and share with us something of her side of their story. She did really well (with some additional comments from Dan!) and the students really valued what she shared. There were several hugs of appreciation afterwards. 

Then all the students piled into cars and a minibus to join the weekly soup run into a local Gypsy village by the Church of God Chaplaincy. Again it was great to see the students getting involved, dishing out the soup, cutting the gherkins, handing out the bread and biscuits. Several of the students ended up helping the younger children to get the soup in them, rather than down them! This work is linked with the local pentecostal church where over two hundred people attend services.

Then it was a quick dash back to the city to meet up with Florica Chereches, the local MP. Today is Oradea Day when they celebrate and remember the founding of the city and those who made sacrifices for the sale of others. In amongst all her official duties, Florica found half-an-hour to meet with us. We talked about our mutual works and she shared her commitment to serve the Lord by serving the community and country whilst the Lord has give her this position in parliament. Please pray for a cross-party conference for 250 MPs and government officials who are all evangelical Christians and will come together this Friday and Saturday to put their differences to one side and stand together as Christians for Biblical truth in the forthcoming referendum on the definition of marriage. 

Other things that were planned for today had been changed so some time out was enjoyed. 

Tomorrow will be busy. We will be meeting with the new prison director at 0815 then on to meet with a local councillor and then time with our friend and consultant, Imre.  We also have two afternoon meetings about the university work and our prison ministry and two youth meetings in the evening! Please pray for health, strength and heavenly wisdom.

Until next time.

Wednesday 11 October 2017


Things were a bit different today. The students had chapel service, so we only met briefly this morning to talk about our placements from yesterday and plan placements for today.

Here are some students with children in the village of Ineu from yesterday's visit to an orphanage.

This afternoon another group of students went into the prison. As on the other days we started with singing and readings as well as a testimony. The prisoners listened and some of them were mouthing the words to the songs. Memories are recalled and emotions are stirred. Yesterday we had a student shedding tears over what she had seen and heard. Today, in the group time, we had a prisoner break down as he talked about things he would like to change from his life. Students came to his rescue as they handed him an assortment of tissues (all clean!). This came after we'd had the reading of the lost son and the waiting father. Andy had spoken about a change of heart and change of actions and ended with the invitation from a heavenly Father for us to come back home. Once again we had animated chatter as prisoners and students talked together. Some deep things were shared and hearts opened. Please pray that some of these men we have seen over the last three days will join our next mentoring programme that begins early next year. 

This evening, whilst the students went off to the night shelter, Andy and Sorin went to Harul (Grace) Baptist church. A very warm welcome was given and Andy share passionately about the need for us to be clothed in the armour of God - ready to engage in the battle in spitiual realms. 

Afterwards we enjoyed some tasty food and stimulating discussion together. We'll catch up with what happened at the night shelter tomorrow.
Three students with one of the guests at the night shelter. 

Now it is late, so thank you again for your prayers, interest and support. Tomorrow we have the final teaching session with the students, a visit to children in a village, meetings with the local MP and county officials and then an evening service. 

So until next time....

Tuesday 10 October 2017


More of the same as yesterday? Not quite. We had our morning classroom session with the students and at the start we gave them the opportunity to share about their placements on the previous day. One student, with tears in her eyes, shared about the impact her time in prison had had on her. Others spoke of the surprise they had that the prisoners were, in many ways, just like us. Challenging and encouraging.

After Andy, with Sorin translating, had developed the Biblical perspective on our failures and God's mercy and grace, Florica Dudas came to speak to the students about the prison's approach to reintegration and how a ministry like Path of Life can help them. Florica used to work in the prison but has now retired but works just as much in the prison as a volunteer. She is an important part of our work and it was really good for the students to hear her and ask her questions.

In the afternoon another group of students visited the prison to have time with some prisoners. After some songs we split into two groups to talk together about things that mattered to us. Many conversations began to develop between students and prisoners. Talk about family, things that had happened in the past, feelings and emotions, all spilled out. Lovely to see prisoners faces light up as someone showed interest in them. One prisoner sat on the edge, not wanting to engage in the session. He did not want to talk and hid under his hood. But gradually, as others chatted away, one of the students kept including him and slowly he began to join in. Before the end he was a different person, smiling and chatting away. As he left, hood down, smile on his face, he reached out to shake hands with Andy. Wonderful to see students reaching out in Jesus' name. 

Then we went to the night shelter again. More songs, more food but tonight, more individual conversations. Great to see students sitting in amongst the homeless and chatting away. 

We have a wonderful group of students and thank the Lord for the opportunities they are taking in these days. Please pray that the Lord will lead and guide them into the areas of ministry he has for them to do.

Until next time.

Monday 9 October 2017


Today has been spent with students from Emanuel University. We started with classroom teaching and after introductions, we discussed our attitudes towards those who have messed up - and then started to consider a Biblical perspective of things - beginning in Genesis. There was some lively discussion, disagreements and discoveries and it was good to be with young people eager to learn.

After the break we were joined by our team worker Dan Roman, who spoke about his time in prison and the impact it had on him and others. It made a significant impression on the students and there were many questions that they had for Dan. Once again we praise the Lord for the example that Dan is of a life transformed by the Holy Spirit. 

In the afternoon, some of the students went off to help distribute food amongst children in a local village. This was linked with the Church of God Chaplaincy Centre. Another group of students visited the prison and, as well as singing, testimonies and readings, the students had time with the prisoners in groups. Andy gave them two things to share with their groups; i) a special memory; ii) something you would like to change from your past. Some very personal things were shared and then Andy spoke of the change that Jesus can make in our lives and told them about the next Path of Life mentoring programme that will be happening next year. Here are the students, outside the prison.

In the evening we joined with more students at a night shelter. Organised chaos comes to mind, but what an opportunity to share more of God's love with those who many have rejected. There were songs, readings, Andy spoke about friendship with God and we had lots of food. After the food, there was more singing - some raucous, but heartfelt. Good to hear rough voices singing praise to the Lord. The guests left for their rooms / beds with more food to help them through the next day - unless it is consumed in the night. 

Tomorrow is more of the same. Please continue to pray for us all.

Until next time.

Sunday 8 October 2017


We have such a capable and committed team here in Oradea. They are such an encouragement. Here they are at the end of the day!
Today we were involved in three services. The first was Bet Adonai, an independant Baptist fellowship. So welcoming and wonderful relaxed time together. This was a new contact and we pray that we can develop a strong link there. Dan Roman, one of our team, shared his testimony (below);
Leo, another member of the team shared about our work in Oradea prison and Reli (Sorin's wife) spoke about her invovement in prison ministry alongside here husband. Andy preached from 2 Kings 4 and there was an encouraging response. We enjoyed a shared lunch afterwards.

In the evening we went to the first part of the service at Golgotha Baptist. Andy gave a brief presentation about the wider work of Damascus Trust and then preached a short version of his sermon 'The battle is not yours, but God's'.

We then went swiftly across the town to join the rest of the team at Betania Pentecostal Church.
This is Dan and Gabi's home church and after some wonderful worship, Dan spoke about the work of Path of Life, Leo shared his testimony, then they were joined by Sorin, Nico and Florin to sing,  and Leo's son, Chris, played the drums. Andy gave another presentation about the work of Damasucs Trust and then spoke again from 2 Chronicles 20 and linked it in with Ephesians 6. It was a full service!
We had some pizza together at the end and then some of us went into the town for the end of celebrations marking the founding of the city. It happens each year at this time and finishes with a concert and fireworks.

Tomorrow we start out teaching at Emanuel University with 36 students booked in. Please pray for a good first day.

Thanks for your prayers and comments.

Until next time.

Saturday 7 October 2017


Today we had a training day for mentors and prospective mentors. We started with songs, prayer and introductions. It was good to have men from both Baptist and Pentecostal churches. For some, they want to help others because they themselves have come through difficult times. Some have been in prison, others have experienced broken relationships or struggled with bad habits - but all have known God’s mercy, forgiveness and restoration. 

Sorin gave a bit of background to Damascus Trust’s work in Romania and in particular the mentoring programme in Oradea Prison. Andy then provided some Bible teaching, looking at God’s dealings with mankind and how it helps us in our work with those who are imprisoned by addictions and bad habits. 

We finished by talking about the practicalities involved in our mentoring programme and had opportunity for current mentors to share from their experiences. A second day together will be run next Saturday. 

Because the Core Team didn’t meet last night we all met up for supper at Sorin & Reli’s and then had our meeting afterwards. Always good to get together.

From left to right: Anita, Attila (&Mark), Dan, Gabi, Reli and Sorin.

Tomorrow Andy is speaking at three church services. Some of the ACV volunteers will be going with him to share in songs and testimonies. Please pray for each of these opportunities that there will be more interest and support from individuals and church fellowships.

Until next time.


Friday 6 October 2017


So here we are with 12 days of adventure ahead with our enthusiastic Path of Life team here in Oradea. We have a basic programme planned but also wait to see what surprises the Lord has in store.

Here’s the general plan:
We have three days worth of working with students from Emanuel University. This will be the first half of next week and is our annual teaching programme looking at Biblical principles involved in working with people who have messed up (haven’t we all?) and the grace of God towards us. We’ll be having three mornings of classroom teaching and three afternoons of placements. The students will rotate around the prison, a children’s home and a homeless centre. Sorin Maier and Andy will be providing the teaching.

Then we will also be running three days of training for our mentors and prospective mentors. The first session will be on Saturday (tomorrow) and then at the end of next week. More about this another time.

And then there will be church services - 10 at the last count. Andy will be speaking at these, ably helped by Sorin’s translation!

And lastly there will be meetings with some key individuals - in the prison, business connections, the local MP and other county council officials. 

Not everything will necessarily go according to plan, and already there have been some changes, but we trust the Lord to be with us and help us do what he wants us to do. So please pray for energy, enthusiasm, guidance and direction from the Lord and good team morale.

Until next time.

October 2017 - no.1

We landed with a bump at Oradea airport after an interesting flight with Ryanair. At least we had an actual pilot (I think). Otherwise Ryanair keep interaction with real people to a minimum. Checking in is now up to you with the help of machines. Weigh your case, scan your boarding pass and attach the baggage label yourself with the autonomous voice directing you step by step on the basis that you (and everyone else) is hard of hearing. Then take your case to the bag drop zone, place it on the conveyor belt, scan your boarding pass again and off goes your case. You have nothing to show where it is going and no copy of the label. Apparently it is all stored on your bar code, invisible, except to a machine. At the end of all that you feel like jumping on the conveyor belt yourself, just to see what happens next.

Having extra leg-room meant priority boarding thrown in. A first. However, the only priority was to bypass a small queue to get down to the automated train that would take us to the gate. At the actual gate there was simply one mass of people stretching along a corridor and down a flight of stairs. Not wanting to miss out on my only chance to be at the front of the queue and allowed on to the plane ahead of everyone else, I bravely sallied forth, weaving in and out of the waiting mass. With an occasional ‘anyone priority boarding?’ I looked for any fellow elite passengers (with Ryanair?!) to attach myself to. However, shaking heads (negative motion rather than old age) and blank looks (from non-english speaking passengers) kept me going down the stairs until I reached the front of the queue. It seemed that I was the only passenger with priority boarding! 

The front of the queue was at the bottom of the stairs, with two emergency exit-looking doors ahead of us with the airport apron the other side. No desk, no Ryanair ground staff, no automated voice, no signage, no text messages. So there we stood and waited. And waited. And waited. Then someone had the bright idea to try the doors and see if they opened. They did! But, nervous that he had now set off an alarm, he stepped back inside. I asked if there was a plane outside and he said yes - several, including ours. I said that if the plane door was open, then maybe we should just go and get on it. He ventured forth again and a minute later returned with a thumbs up. The emergency doors were flung open and a torrent of passengers burst out, onto the tarmac and towards the plane. I gave up the idea of priority boarding, but I did enjoy the extra leg-room!

Oradea airport has only recently taken international flights and our plane was the only one present on the tarmac. As we disembarked another plane-load of passengers waited in an elongated gazebo, held back by a tarpaulin. No sooner had the last passenger disembarked than the sheet was raised and another wave of people rushed towards the plane. Not sure I’ll bother to claim my priority boarding on the return flight. The other thing is that I am still puzzled that passengers should applaud the safe landing of the plane. I think it must be more out of relief to be getting off than appreciation of any flying skills. After all isn’t that more or less automated nowadays?

Until next time.


Thursday 5 October 2017


Damascus Trust in Romania from October 6th - 18th 2017

We are ready to go - flying out of Stansted tomorrow morning at 9:00am and landing in Oradea at 1340 (1140 UK).

We'll have a Path of Life core team meeting in the afternoon and then an evening youth meeting. This is the half-night prayer meeting that we went to in April and handed out matchsticks (remember?), so it will be good to go back there again with more matchsticks!

We have a full itinerary planned but need to be open to the Lord's leading throughout the next 12 days.  Please pray that we will be guided by the Holy Spirit and see what he has for us to do.

Thanks for your support and keep in touch.

Until next time - goodnight.