Thursday 13 October 2016

Had one of those moments today when you realise that what you have been preaching to others, you need to listen to for yourself. It's not what you haven't got that God can use, but what you have got! Blindingly obvious, you might say, but how often do we say something like, "If only we had this, or that, or the other, we could so much more." We even come to believe it, which can mean we end up doing very little, if anything, because we are forever waiting for the this, that, or the other to come our way.

2 Kings 4:1-7 is all about seeing things from the Lord's perspective and offering what we have got for him to use and not looking at what we haven't got. So for us here at Path of Life we are having another 'heavenly' look at who and what we have got and looking to make the best of these right now and leaving the future opportunities and needs to the Lord. 

Some inspiring meetings today with good friends and co-workers. Always good to meet with Imre Kulcsar and encourage one another and share ideas. Let's see what the Lord brings out of our meeting together.
We also had a meeting with our local lawyer, Tibor, who has helped us with setting up the association and continues to give good advice and support. We will be formalising the collaboration between Damascus Trust and Path of Life Association which will be good for the oversight of the work here and for future developments. After our meeting we enjoyed a lovely lunch prepared by Tibor's wife.

Then it was off to the local parliamentary office to meet Florica Chereches who is a servant of Jesus and a Member of the Romanian Parliament. So good to be able to encourage one another, share the challenges and pray for each other. Whether we agree with different political parties or not, the Bible tells us to pray for those in authority. This is especially true for those who are followers of Christ and work in government. What an opportunity to make a difference. It can be a lonely job with many pressures, expectations and criticisms, so we can pray that the Lord will keep and protect people like Florica and guide her/them to do what is right before the Lord, irrespective of party views.

This evening we finished off the day with a meeting at Sanmartin Baptist church with a crowd of students coming to join us, It was great. Songs, testimonies readings and some food afterwards. 

 Tomorrow we have more exciting meetings/opportunities. Radio station; local council; Emanuel University plus others. Thank you for your prayers.

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